Thursday 21 February 2013

Chapter 2: In which our hero runs again...

Second verse, same as the first...

 Out of bed, shorts on, ipod on, go for a 'run'. I use the word run again and will continue to do so with a sense of expectant optimism, but obviously now that we know my fitness level from the first expedition, that term is applied loosely, and only to parts of the venture. Anyway, as Shackleton famously stated (possibly, though I should point out this is entirely speculative on my part) when setting foot on Antarctica, 'Bloody hell! It's chuffing freezing!' And so it was.

Anyway, I've only gone and done it again. The actual excersise itself felt slightly easier this time around. I expect that may only be imaginary though. The main trouble I had today was just making myself get out of bed. The alarm went off at 6am, and I immediately awoke, switched it off, and began trying to convince myself that things would be better if I just went back to sleep (important distinction here children: short term, things would be better, long term probably not as much; we're playing the long game here). The voice in my head soothingly saying 'Go back to sleep, Ally'. I imagine the voice now to have sounded like HAL from 2001, you know, the same voice you imagine Facebook has when you log in and see that little 'How are you feeling, Ally?' message. Not that I'm comparing Facebook to the murderous computer in 2001. That comparison doesn't bare up in any way. No, given it's spread across the world, the Cyberdyne Skynet model is a far more apt comparison, and just in case it sends any futuristic cyborg minions after me let me just express my adoration of our mechanical overlords.

I seem to have diverged a little. As I was saying, the excersise today did seem a little easier. It was the third period of running before I felt completely fecked today, as opposed to the second on Monday (see Chapter 1 for schedule).

Other things of note from this morning:
development of a good playlist continues apace. 'Death or Glory' by the Clash is pretty good to run along to. 'Living Thing' by ELO, not so much (not quite as fast a tempo as I'd thought, a bit ploddy).

Anyway, onwards and upwards. Well, not so much upwards, as more onwards again, but you get the drift.



  1. Great stuff - this was a very entertaining blog post, and I particularly liked the bit about playing the long game; something I failed to do over the winter and gave in to going back to sleep instead. Also, I reckon you may have been fairly spot on regarding what Shackleton would have said upon setting foot on the South Pole!

    1. Thanks. It's nice to get a bit of encouragement, and I should return the favour by saying I've been enjoying your own so far as well.

  2. Nice one Ally, its the way forward!
