Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Chapter 1: In which an unfit idiot starts to run

So then, having decided to improve my fitness, mood, and general all round well being through the miracle heal-all method of running several weeks ago, I finally got out of bed and strapped on my running shoes today. The alarm went off at 6am, and for the first time I managed to resist the siren call of the snooze button. Out of bed, shorts on, ipod on, go for a run.
Now I know the image you have in your head of me. A lean figure, striding manfully through the pre dawn blackness. The reality is not too far off, though there are some subtle differences. For instance, rather than lean, read as slightly "cuddly". Striding manfully may perhaps translate more closely to "plodding along wheezily". Also, I say "run" but the truth is walking interspersed with short bursts of running. Sod it, it's a start. To be fair though, this approach is part of a well thought out (by other people, thank you internet) plan.
I'm not fit. That's a simple statement of fact. There's no way I'm going to head out and immediately be able to run for half an hour solid. Therefore, I looked up a sort of graded introduction to running, building up over time.

The Plan

  1. Run 2 minutes, walk 4 (x5)
  2. Run 3 minutes, walk 3 (x5)
  3. Run 5 minutes, walk 2 1/2 (x4)
  4. Run 7 minutes, walk 3 (x3)
  5. Run 8 minutes, walk 2 (x3)
  6. Run 9 minutes, walk 1 (x2) then run 8, walk2
  7. Run 9 minutes, walk 1 (x3)
  8. Run 13 minutes, walk 2 (x2)
  9. Run 14 minutes, walk 1 (x2)
  10. Run 30 minutes

The object is to try and do these 3 or 4 times a week.Whether or not I manage, I don't know. Week 10, without any form of break in the half hour will be a test. After this period, I'll be looking to try and extend the time and distance that I'm running. Seems simple. More likely painfull, but as many people (fitter than me) say, "No pain, no gain!". I suspect these people to be friendless arseholes mind you.

Pray for me.


1 comment:

  1. Ally, I don't think anyone needs to pray for you because the way you are going about this is to my mind the best way to start running - I think many people get disheartened that they can't just head straight out the door and run for an hour, but you have very clear and achievable goals in mind and you want to do it, so you're already half way there. A few years ago this pretty much could have been me talking, and I think you'll be amazed how much progress you make once you get to around the week 9/10 stage - from there the sky's the limit.
