Saturday, 23 February 2013

Chapter 3: In which our hero gets up early on a Sunday

So then, Sunday, the day of rest, the day in which people are supposed to relax, watch sports, have a nice dinner. The day in which I got out my bed at 6.10am. If I hadn't, if I'd left it until later, I likely wouldn't have made it out the door. I'm like that. If I don't do something immediately, I'll put it off and put it off until I get to the point it's too late to do anything that day. Hence, even on a Sunday, the alarm went off at six (I may have used the snooze a little bit, but only once. More than that and I'd be there for the day).

Now before talking about the actual run, let's just discuss some important details about the previous evening preparations. As part of this whole runny around thing, I'm trying to cut down on my snacking as well. Watching Man Vs. Food does not help with that process. Dammit Adam, here I am, trying not to fill my body with crap (well, not too much crap, do biscuits count as crap? They're probably good for you. I'm convinced Chocolate Hob Nobs count towards a healthy diet since they're practically porridge) and there you are, whispering to me from the telly. 'Look at the massive pizza Ally.' 'You want these chicken wings Ally, don't you?' Begone foul (fowl) temptress! Luckily, I managed to resist temptation (I had feck all in the cupboard). Incidentally, why the hell would anyone eat something (you know, put it inside with all your delicate internal organs), if you've had to wear gloves just to touch the damn thing in the first place? Crazy.

So this morning's run then. Similar to the previous run, I was managing to get my breath back a bit quicker in between each running phase. As before, I have no scientific proof to back this up, but it just feels that way. My muscles ache a bit more this time around, particularly the thighs. This probably isn't new to anyone that's been doing this type of thing (exercise) for a while, but it's new to me. Still, since there was only one day between runs this time, I guess it was to be expected. I left it two days last time around (mostly due to being sleepy), so the muscles had less of a chance to recover this time.

There are still a couple of things I need to work on. First of all, my breathing. I'm a chronic mouth breather as soon as I start any form of exercise, and need to work on that whole 'in through the nose and out through the mouth' thing I've heard so much about and which is supposed to be wonderfull. The other thing that I still need to figure out is the pace I'm actually running at, and trying to maintain a steady speed I guess. I also have a sneaky suspicion that both things could be linked.

I've come to the end of the first week of the schedule, so next time out I should be upping the running to three minutes at a time. Not really sure I'm ready for that, but not going to improve without exerting myself either. I'll see how I get on.

Fight the power


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