Friday, 8 March 2013

Chapter 6: In which the original schedule is scrapped

So then, I'm writing this after my second run this week, and the first I've done on a new running schedule. The breakdown that appears on my first post is out the window, and I've opted instead to switch to the NHS Couch to 5K routine. There are a few reasons for this, but the main ones are:
  • it's got a proven track record of getting people up and running
  • there's free podcasts to listen to as you run which sort all your timing out for you, leading to...
  • no more fannying about with my watch, in the dark, with gloves on.
One thing to note about the actual podcast though. Previous running soundtracks I have made to run to have featured mostly rock, punk, some metal & industrial, and 80s pop (yes, 80's pop. That's when I grew up, and it's the soundtrack of my childhood, so bugger off and stop judging :p   I've had bloody Ultravox stuck in my head for three days solid now mind you). The music on these is your standard shopping mall generic dancey pop. Not my taste at all, but inoffensive in it's own way. Beats mucking around trying to see my watch though.

Music aside, an awful LOT of folk have used this series to get up and out, so it seems to work, and that's why I'm making the switch to it. In addition, the actual run's themselves are quite varied and give a good build up, so there we go. Have a look. I'm going to jump in at week 3 on it and see how I get on with that, as I'm in the extended week 2 of the previous schedule. If necessary (looking at run 3, week 5) I'll redo individual weeks until my fitness improves. I really don't remember this running stuff being as difficult when I was wee.

Other things to note this time around:
  • It's now almost 2 whole weeks since payday, and I've managed to avoid ordering a pizza. It's killing me though. I'm lazy and willpower is not one of my strongpoints.
  • The Walking Dead just gets better and better. I'm pretty much convinced that zombie apocalypse is how the world will eventually end, and this running stuff ties in nicely to that. I do not want to be lunch. Rule no. 1 people - Cardio.
Anyway, here's some 80s pop for you:

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