Friday, 22 March 2013

Chapter 8: In which a decision is made.

Second week in a row with very little effort to show for it. Got up on Monday, early doors, and went out for a run, but I haven't been out since then. Woke up early today, looked out the window, and went back to bed. Snowing again. It may be too late in the year now to quote Game Of  Thrones and say that "winter is coming", but it sure as hell doesn't seem to be in a hurry to go away again.

This leads me to the decision I've taken:

I'm joining the gym.

You can all stop laughing now. Frankly, it's the only sensible option. I just don't have the fitness levels to be outside toiling away through blizzards. I'm struggling to run in nice(ish) weather at the moment. Plus, I live about 300 yards away from one of South Lanarkshire Council's fine establishments. I say, fine, this is an assumption though as I've not been along yet. It could be a rat infested shithole for all I actually know, although, running away from rats could serve as a decent form of motivation. I'm assuming it's fine though.

I recently took Sky Sports and Movies off my cable package, so the money saved from that can fund the gymness. Money previously spent watching other people run, will now fund me to get off my arse and do it for myself. That's logic youngsters.

I'm off work on a weeks holiday next week, so among the many grand schemes I shall have on the go, will be the whole going along and signing my life away taking out a gym membership. Previous experience of gyms brings memories of overly fit instructors trying to force you onto the various torture devices one after the other, so I expect a large part of my first visit will consist of finding polite ways to tell them to bugger off as I just want a go of the treadmills since it's pissing down outside. Sure, maybe later down the line I'll try out the myriad of other fun ways to make yourself hurt, but just now I think I'll stick to the basics. Baby steps and that.

Anyway, continuing my recent trend of gratuitous music videos, here's another one:

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