Wednesday I didn't even try.
Thursday was just a write off. I woke up around 2.30am, tried to get back to sleep, failed, and by the time I had planned to go out and have a run, I was far too tired for anything. By the time I started my work at 8:30am, I'd already been awake for around 6 hours and was expecting lunch already. By the time I'd finished work I was ready to go to bed, but couldn't or I'd just end up waking up at stupid o'clock again. Smashing.
Friday morning was about eking out as much sleep before work as possible.
I feel quite bad that I've not been out trying to run so far this week, and that in itself is a vast improvement on my outlook. I'm naturally a lazy bastard, so the fact that I've not tried to exercise is bothering me is definately a sign of progress. Or the apocalypse. One or the other.
Incidentally, regarding the snow: why is it mostly people in 4x4s who are incapable of driving in it? Get a bloody grip and learn to use your vehicle properly. If you insist on owning one of these non essesntial bastards (in an urban environment, obviously they can be essential in some places), then figure out how the damn thing works. This is Scotland, not Norway, it's only a couple of inches of snow. Don't get me started on the news reporting on the snow "chaos" down south either. If it doesnt come over the top of a pair of trainers, then you've no excuses.
Confession Time
The attempt to go an entire month without ordering pizza has been a failure. I know, you're not angry, just disappointed. Or don't really care. Sometimes you come home from work of an evening and just can't face cooking though, and damn it was tasty. And half price, which helped a lot. Still, I'm well down on my usual monthly pizza quota, so I'm still ahead on average.
Anyhoo, the plan is now to get up early tomorrow (Saturday) and get at least one attempt at exercise in before the week is over. I'm off to bed.
Don't be a southern driver. Embrace the snow. Just wrap up warm. And buy suitable footwear. See my facebook for a suitable selection :p